Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Today in class we started off by completed Mr. Schick's survey for the first semester.  We had to honestly complete the survey in which i did. I thought Mr. Schick did a wonderful job on teaching us this semester! After finishing up the surveys we went over the end of the North Korea powerpoint, we learned and took notes about their current & past leaders. Here is the notes we took ...

Kim Il-Sung (1912 - 1994)
Ruled from 1948 - 1994
He was know or nicknamed as "Great Leader, Eternal Leader, and Supreme Leader"
He was viewed as a god
Establishment of "cult of personality"

Passing the torch ...

Kim Jong - Il (1941 - 2011)
Ruled from 1994 - 2011 as Supreme Leader
There was many myths written about him, for example "when Kim Jong - Il was born a star to illuminate the sky, and a double rainbow spontaneously appeared"
Everyone is told these myths, which means they believe them

The present leader ...

Kim Jong - Un
Born in 1993
He became Supreme Leader
He is also 32 years old -- the world's youngest head of state
He has threatened the US with "pre-emptive nuclear attack"
He has also put to death members of Jong's family, because he wants to be know as Kim Jong - Un  not Kim Jong - Il son.
They have the 4th largest army in the world.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

I wasn't in class on Friday because I still have the flu.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

I wasn't in class today,  I'm still sick with the flu :(

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Today in human geo we got our test back, even though I knew what I already got. I was glad we still got our test back so that I can know what I got wrong, and answer those questions correctly on the exam. The questions I got wrong were either stupid mistakes or I just didn't know the answer. Then after we went around the room and read and answered each question we got our tests back from like 2 weeks ago. I was happy we got those back because it will help us study for our mid terms which are in five days. I have been studying for the human geo exam because I want an A on the exam. I think if I keep studying like I am I will be find and will do well on the exam.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Today in class we took our test on Cultural Geography and World Religions. The test was a challenge because I didn't study and I really should have. My grade was not as well as I would like it to be but I deserved the grade I got. After we saw our test and saw our grades. I wish I would've studied and did better.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Today I was not in class because I am in Nashville visiting family and friends.