Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Today in Human Geo class we started our projects. Mr. Schick went over what needed to put on the slides and how we should write and design our slides. My partner, Grace, and I looked at Mr. Schick's blog to see what questions we need to answer. The questions we need to answer are the kind of government the country has, how long they have existed under their present for of government, how long their present leaders have been in power, how long they are expected to stay in power, and some ways their people can effect a change in leadership. After Grace and I looked over these questions I started our project. We started off with the first slide and got the hang of what we need to do. We still need to finish but now we know how everything should be done correctly.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Today in Human Geo class we learned about our new group assignment. Chris went up to the board and wrote down the people we chose to work with. I was chosen by Grace to work with her. Grace and I chose to work on the United Kingdom in the beginning, but since there was so much confusion and people not wanting to work with other class mates we had to change things up a bit. Grace, Kelsey, and myself are now in a group working on Brazil because thats what Kelsey wanted. Finally everyone knew who they were working with and what country they were working on. Mr. Schick told us to create a google document and share it will the people in our group. We are suppose to write about the country's government, their leader and how they got to that position. Also we have to write about how we can throw out the governments leader.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Chancellor Angela Merkel

She is a former physicist.
- is named Minister of Women and Young People by Chancellor Helmut Kohl and becomes Deputy    Chairperson of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
Receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

President Enrique Pena Nieto 

Angelica Rivera, his wife is a soap opera star

- when elected president, he had a narrow victory 

President XI Jinping

- he plays to win, a very strong competitor 

- He doesn't complain 

President Pranab Mukherjee

Pranab Mukherjee is very proud of his Bengali accent. 

Prident Pranab Mukherjee is inspired by the Chinese politician Deng Xiaoping.

President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

-  holds a black belt in judo 
In 2014, he was reportedly nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

President Joachim Gauck

- former Lutheran pastor 
- Gauck was narrowly defeated by Christian Wulff in the Presidential elections to replace Horst Kohler in 2010. 

Prime Minister David Cameron 

was born into a family with both wealth
Cameron’s self-assured speech at the party’s annual conference in October 2005 transformed his reputation, and he was subsequently elected Conservative leader.

President Francois Hollande 

- visits with president Obama 
France's 24th president in 2012

President Dilma Rousseff

Prior to running for president, she had never run for an elected office. 
- on September 21, 2011 Dilma becomes the first female leader to kick off the annual United Nations General Assembly debates.

President Bashar al - Asad

Bashar was leading the life a medical student, and had no intentions of entering a political life.
he received 97 percent of the vote

Prime Minister Stephen Joseph Harper

As Prime Minister, he has pushed for the recognition of Quebec as a nation
sought to secure control over Arctic waters for petroleum resources.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

1957-1960 - His grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, was Japan's prime minister.
1964-1972 - His great uncle, Eisuke Sato, was prime minister. Sato was also a Nobel Peace Prize recipient.

President Shimon Peres 

July 15, 2007 - Takes office for a seven year term.
July 24, 2014 - Steps down as president.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Sydney Sebour
10 - 17 - 14
Assignment 1


Government - federal republic
President Enrique Pena Nieto 


Government - communist state
President XI Jinping


Government -  federal republic
President Pranab Mukherjee


Government - federation
President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin


Government - federal republic
President Joachim Gauck

United Kingdom:

Government - constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth
Prime Minister David Cameron


Government - republic
President Francois Hollande


Government - federal republic
President Dilma Rousseff


Government - republic under an authoritarian regime
President Bashar al - Asad


Government - a parliamentary democracy, a federation, and a constitutional monarchy
Prime Minister Stephen Joseph Harper


Government - a parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe


Government - parliamentary democracy
President Shimon Peres

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Today was our first class in about a week. When I got my test back I was surprised with my grade. I noticed a mistake and talked to Mr. Schick and he was nice enough to change my grade. After everyone got their test back we took 10 minutes to go over the questions on the front of the page. I thought that part was pretty easy, and we finished that part with one minute to spare. After we turned the paper over to see if there were any questions on that side, and we did the same for the other pages. Then we went over answers for the push and pull forces because that was a little confusing to some. After we just talked and finished up the quiz.  

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Today in class we went over things on the test again. First, we started off by seeing the time that will be used in class, and on the clock it showed 10 minutes. That means we would have 10 minutes to answer the questions based on the world fact book. The test will also have things on it like the key terms, population pyramids, and the CIA fact book. Then we watched a video of a hamster eating the world's smallest burrito. At the end of class Mr. Schick went around and predicted what they would get on the test. I feel that I will do a very good job since I know all of the things on the test and I have studied.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Test Review 

1. life expectancy - how long you are expected to live
      ex. if someone was born in 1990 someone who was born in 2000 has a better life expectancy.

2. crude birth rate (CBR) - number of births per 1,000 of the population.

3. crude death rate (CDR) - numbers of death per 1,000 of the population.

4. developing nation - developing a government, health, transportation , creating jobs, and having technology

5. developed nation - great economy, healthcare, and jobs.

6. rate of natural increase (RNI) - subtracting the birth rate from the death rate

7. net migration weight (NMR) - difference between the number of persons entering & leaving a country during a year.

8. immigration - an excess of persons entering the country

9. emigration - an excess of persons leaving the country

10. push forces
       - war
       - unemployment or underemployment
       -  religious
       - ethnic persecution

11. pull forces

       - better economic opportunity
       - better health services
       - religious freedom
       - political freedom

12. total fertility rate (TFR) - average number of children born per women
       - population rate to remain the same, the TFR would be 2.1
       - higher then 2.1 population rises
       - lower then 2.1 population falls

Monday, October 6, 2014

Today we talked about our country in our own opinion. We gave reasons why we thought it was the best and why it could be know as the worst country. We summed up the rest of the discussion of our opinions of America. Then, we went onto the CIA world fact book and looked for interesting facts. We also got told about a test that was suppose to be on wednesday and is now on Friday because people had a test that day and thats the day when we have all of our classes. We talked about what the test would be on, it would be on things from our blogs and notes, and we also got told to make sure we knew our way around the CIA fact book and could do it in a reasonable amount of time. By the end of the class everyone had found an new interesting fact.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

On Friday I was not in class because I was not feeling well. But I feel much better now and will be back in class on monday.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Today in human geo class we had to look at the world fact book and look at the population charts. Meanwhile Mr. Schick had to go watch someone's class because their teacher was not feeling to well, and decided to throw up. After we went over how spotify would like students to use their programs, and see how it would work for students like us. Mr. Schick went all around the room telling each of us our 3 month free code. Then we all set up accounts or used the ones we already had. I had to help a couple of people but for the most part everyone already had an account. Then we listened to music and just talked to our friends for the rest of the class.