Test Review
1. life expectancy - how long you are expected to live
ex. if someone was born in 1990 someone who was born in 2000 has a better life expectancy.
2. crude birth rate (CBR) - number of births per 1,000 of the population.
3. crude death rate (CDR) - numbers of death per 1,000 of the population.
4. developing nation - developing a government, health, transportation , creating jobs, and having technology
5. developed nation - great economy, healthcare, and jobs.
6. rate of natural increase (RNI) - subtracting the birth rate from the death rate
7. net migration weight (NMR) - difference between the number of persons entering & leaving a country during a year.
8. immigration - an excess of persons entering the country
9. emigration - an excess of persons leaving the country
10. push forces
- war
- unemployment or underemployment
- religious
- ethnic persecution
11. pull forces
- better economic opportunity
- better health services
- religious freedom
- political freedom
12. total fertility rate (TFR) - average number of children born per women
- population rate to remain the same, the TFR would be 2.1
- higher then 2.1 population rises
- lower then 2.1 population falls
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