Thursday, November 20, 2014

Today in human geo we started a movie called " Slumdog Millionaire " that goes along with our new chapter cultural geography. It is about the slums of Mumbai, which is quite awful. There was trash everywhere you looked and there was no "clean" place like we have in the United States. They also had to wash, bath, and drink unsanitary water. Which creates many diseases, which can kill many. Then learning that the size of their homes is about the size of my bedroom, makes me feel very thankful. Also, seeing what there schools were like makes me feel extremely grateful that I am able to go to John Carroll in a clean and safe environment. It makes me think about all of the things I take for granite. In the movie a teenage boy who was once an orphan goes on a huge TV show, where if you answer the question correctly you win money. This teenager has been the farthest contestant, and with that being said they think that he is cheating somehow. They feel this way because doctors and lawyers haven't even gotten this far in the game. Even though he is not cheating, he is tortured because they think he is. There police system is also very different, you see this in the movie when they torture him instead of just interrogating him. I can't wait to finish the movie and to see what happens to this poor teenage boy. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Today in human geo we had a sub because Mr. Schick was not here. Mr. Schick put our assignments on his blog. I already finished what Mr. Schick assigned to do, so I was able to work on other homework.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Today in human geo we got to see our test grades and then we talked about our new chapter "Cultural Geography".
We started off by looking at a map of the United States that showed how all over the US. population call "pop" different. Some people like myself and my family call it pop, or sometimes soda. Most people in the north call it pop, for example Minnesota and Chicago. People in the south call it coke, for example Texas and Kentucky. Other people in the west and east call it soda, for example California and New York. We then realized that in Florida there is a lot of different color which represents wether they call it pop, soda, or coke. In Florida this happens because a lot of people move to Florida because of their warm climate, which brings in many different cultures.

Then we moved on to talking about:

Cultural Characteristics

Cultural Characteristics are parts of a groups everyday life. They are the ideas and themes which the group will teach to all members. These same characteristics can also link or divide a region.

Examples of cultural characteristics would be language, religion, and ethnic heritage.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Today in human geo we got assigned 2 projects to do. I chose to find our countries national anthem. The country Grace and I have chosen to look up is Brazil. 

Video :

Lyrics : 

The peaceful banks of the Ipiranga
Heard the resounding cry of an heroic people,
And the dazzling rays of the sun of Liberty
Bathed our country in their brilliant light.
If with strong arm we have succeeded
In winning a pledge of equality,
In thy bosom, O Liberty,
Our hearts will defy death itself!
O adored Fatherland,
Cherished and revered,
All hail! All Hail!
Brazil, a dream sublime, vivid ray of love and hope to earth descends,
Where in your clear, pure, beauteous skies
The image of the Southern Cross shines forth.
O country vast by nature,
Fair and strong, brave and colossus,
Thy future mirrors this thy greatness.
O land adored
Above all others,
'Tis thee Brazil,
Beloved Fatherland!
Thou art the gentle mother of the children of this soil,
Beloved land,
Laid out eternally in the splendor of nature,
In the sound of the sea and the light of heaven,
may thou shine, O Brazil, flower of America,
Illumined by the sun of the New World!
More flowers put forth in thy fair, smiling fields
Than the in the most gorgeously reputed lands;
"More life is to be found in the groves",
"More love in our lives" in thy embrace.
O adored Fatherland,
Cherished and revered,
All Hail!
All Hail!
May the star-scattered banner flown by thee,
Brazil, become the symbol of eternal love,
And may the green-gold flag proclaim always
- Peace in the future and glory in the past -
But if the mighty sword of justice drawn forth,
You will perceive your children, who adore you,
neither fear to fight,
nor flee from death itself.
O land adored
Above all others,
'Tis thee Brazil,
Beloved Fatherland!
Thou art the gentle mother of the children of this soil,
Beloved land,

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Today in human geo we took our test. I felt very prepared because I studied the night before and was pretty confident. Once I got the test I got a little nervous but overall I thought it was pretty easy. The multiple choice was about 30 questions and mostly everything asked was on the quiz we took about 2 or 3 weeks ago and the others were from the powerpoint presentation. A couple of questions were a little bit of a challenge but overall I think I did fairly well. The essay was also a fairly easy part, and I hope that I answered the question correctly and wrote enough. Overall Im hoping for an A, but I think I will at least have a B.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Today in Human Geo we were not able to take the test due to problems with the powerpoint. Mr. Schick was kind enough to give it to us tomorrow. The power point wouldn't let us access the links that Mr. Schick put on certain slides to study from. Since Mckenna and Chris were one of the ones chosen to have their powerpoint on the study guide, Mr. Schick had them change their powerpoint. He made them change their powerpoint so it would be viewable to everyone, so that we could study. Then Mr. Schick gave us the rest of the mod to make flashcards on quizlet and study for the test tomorrow. I made a quizlet to help me study. I am pretty confident that I will do well on this test, at least I hope.

Friday, November 7, 2014


- Canada is a parliamentary democracy, a federation, and a constitutional monarchy
- monarch is head of state, they can give the right to elect their own government
- Canada is the federation of ten provinces and three territories
- vote for their leader
- been a constitutional monarchy since April 17, 1882
- Stephen Harper is their prime minister
- terms are every four years , can be elected for
- has been in power for eight years
- expected he will stay in power past 2015
- he is also excepted to be Prime Minister for a decade
- Stephen Harper could be impeached, but people said that he couldn't be impeached

Thursday, November 6, 2014


- federal presidential republic
- leader is the Vladimir Putin
- leader is Dmitry Medvedev
- 1991 changed to the present form of government
- Putin was president from 2000 - 2008
- took office gain in may, 2012
- Dmitry Medvedev was the 10th prime minister
- president from 2008 - 2012
- ensure the implementation of a uniform state policy in the areas of culture, science, education, heath      protection, social security and ecology
- to ensure the country's defense, state security, and the implementation of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation
- overthrow the leader
- assassination
- start a revolution
- impeachment
- protest
- vote a third party candidate


- Republic
- leader Bashar al Assad
- been leader for 14 years
- elections are rigged
- been elected twice
- was unopposed in the first term
- received 97% vote
- uses violence to solve all of his problems
- russia supplies Bashar al Assad with what he needs to use violence


- has a parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy
- prime minester Shinzo Abe
- emperor of japan is Akihito
- acceded to the throne in 1989
- re elected in december 2012
- all men and women who have reached the age of 20 have the right to vote

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


- Germany is a federal republic
- Leader - Angela Merkel
- In her 3rd term
- first chancellor of Germany
- current president Joachim Gauck
- every 4 years new chancellor 
- every 5 years new president 
- would be impeached by the Bundestag 
- 41 % of votes to Angela Merkel herself
-  35 % of votes went to Angela Merkel's party 
- her party is the CDU/CSU


- France is a republic 
- changed from a republic to other types of government for many years 
- President - Francois Hollande 
- been in office for 2 years
- can serve a 5 year term 
- can impeach in France since 2002
- used to be a 7 year term 
- in 2000 changed to a 5 year term 
- changed because they wanted more people to vote and have other people in office

United States 

- Leader - Barack Obama 
- can be president for 2 more years
- can be in for 2 terms (8 years) 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Today in Human Geo we finished up our powerpoints and made sure everything on them was correct. Mr. Schick was nice enough to let us have the whole class to meet up with our partner and make sure everything was ready for us to present on Wednesday. Grace and I had finished our project so we were able to proofread and go over the information on each slide. I feel that our project is very good, and that we are ready to present on Wednesday. I then began to make notecards for both of us so we can talk about our project in more detail, without having a lot of information on each slide. Then after we both finished our notecards and going over the project, we worked on other homework. This class helped Grace and I by allowing us to get organized and ready to present. Thank You Mr. Schick !