Saturday, August 30, 2014

My five points to be successful in freshman year I will ….

  • Stay organized
  • Have a schedule 
  • Make sure to always do my work 
  • Make sure I’m in class on time 
  • Be social 

I will stay organized by color coding all of my books, notebooks and folders. 
For example everything for human geo class is in the color green. With that it allows me to be able to know what books I need by the color. 

I have a schedule because I want to be able to schedule my time. I will schedule my time to know when to eat , go to my locker, and if I need to talk to my teachers 

I will always do my work so that it will balance my grades. I do this because if I have a pop quiz in a class and Im not prepared for that , my homework and other work would balance my grades. 

I will make sure that I’m in class on time so that I won’t get into any trouble. I will carry any extra books if I need them for my next class and will not be able to get to my locker and then back to class on time. 

I plan to be social and make a lot of friends. I will play a sport and stay active within the school. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Todays Human Geo class was pretty easy. Today we worked on fixing all of our blogs to make sure that we were on section three of Mr. Shick's class. Some of us didn't have our blogs set up correctly. My blog was not setup correctly and that was pretty stressful, but I'm glad it is taken care of now. I had to go up to Mr. Shick and show him my blog about my first day. When showing him my blog I finally got credit for my work. Mr. Shick had us send him the link to his email so he could add us to his class. After meeting with Mr. Shick you could start writing your blog for tonights homework. At the end of the class we went over what we would need for tomorrow and talked to our friends.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

My first day at John Carroll was overwhelming and nerve-racking.  First,  I went to advisory, met everyone and reviewed the advisory rules.  After advisory, I met up with the freshman girls in the upper gym to get our school pictures taken.  I wonder what there going to look like!  Then all of us girls went and visited Mr. Ireton for discipline and the campus ministers who were showing us their talents.  I also had the pleasure of meeting my guidance counselor and Principle Miss Madelyn Ball.

 My next adventure was off to Algebra 1.  I was a little nervous, but Ms. Reyerson
 made me feel as comfortable as I could be.

After Algebra, I started to feel like this was my school.  I had three mods off,  that was so fun. I met so many other girls that I could soon call my friends. Then I went to the gym for P.E, that class should be fun.

Then, I had two more mods off, I think I'm going to like Tuesdays! Then I went to my last two classes English and Intro to Bible.

Finally, school was over but I still had field hockey practice.

I can't wait to continue my journey at John Carroll.