Monday, September 29, 2014


1. According to the Population Reference Bureau's "2013 World Population Data Sheet", 271 are born every minute, and 106 die every minute. That's a global net population increase of 165 per minute. This lesson was published on May 5th. What's the estimated global population increase exactly one week later (May 12th)? 

                - D: 1,663,200

2. As a country slows in population growth, its pyramid shape will  A: become wider at the base and narrower at the top

                - B. be inverted 

3. What does a Population Pyramid NOT give you information about?

                - C. Life Expectancy Rate 

4. Which continent would have the most fast-growth pyramids? 

                - A. Africa 

Some Facts Are 

- Japan's Pyramid will start to bulge when we hit 2015 and in 2050 the pyramid will be very narrow at the top and will bulge on the top half. 
- In Rwanda the population pyramid is very wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. 
- China and  Canada will increase very slowly unlike Rwanda. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

In human geo we went over facts in the world fact book. Here is some of those facts

- Mexico requires 13 years of school
- Germany requires 16 years of school
- Vatican City is the size o JC's campus
- Literacy Rates : Germany and America is 99%
                             Chad is 34%
                             Hati is 54%
- 3rd of our population is under the age of 14
- United States the income per year is 52,000
- In Congo the income per year is 400
- All of Germany's the water is clean and anyone can access the sanitation facilities
- In Australia the population is going up since many people are moving there

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Today in human geo we went over all of the things we would need to know if there would be a pop quiz tomorrow. The topics we talked about was the TFR, push and pull factors, immigration, and emigration. Mr.  Schick wanted to make sure that we all understood the information correctly because it could be confusing to some. Since all of us said we know what all of the topics were, Mr. Schick thought that it would be a good idea to ask us questions and have us answer them. Once Mr. Schick asked the question we didn't really know the answers as well as we thought we did.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

In Human Geo today Mr. Schick handed back our tests. If you got an A he rang this bell once but if you got an hundred he rang the bell twice. I didn't get an A but when I saw my test I was okay with the grade I earned. This just shows me that I need to study more and need to try harder. So once all of the tests were handed out we started going around the room and answering the questions. You had to read the question and then answer it correctly. This gave all of us an opportunity to write down the correct answers and to ask any questions that you had. For the essay questions we got told to write down details or things that we didn't have. We also talked about opening sentences for our essays. And we finished off class with Mr. Schick ranting about how everyone wrote "live life to its fullest" on one of the essay questions.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Why do people migrate ?

Push forces
- civil war
- environmental degradation 
- unemployment or underemployment 
- religious or ethnic persecution 

Pull forces
- better economic opportunity 
- better health services
- religious freedom 
- political freedom 

Total fertility Rate 

TFR- average number of children born per women 

for a population to remain the same, the TFR is 2.1 

higher then 2.1 population rises 
lower then 2.1 population falls 

world TFR 2.47
was 2.54 2 years ago 

US TFR - 2.06
Nigeria TFR - 5.38
Japan TFR - 1.39

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Measuring Population 

- crude birth rate : number of births per 1,000 of the population
- crude death rate : number of deaths per 1,000 of the population 

Rate of Natural Increase (RNI)

-  produced by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate 
-  gives us annual natural growth rate in percentage form for a country or region 

More Measurement of Population 

-  net migration rate : the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country      during a year  

-  an excess of persons entering the country is net immigration 
          - written as a positive number 
          - Ex. Canada has 5.65 migrants per 1,000 population 
          - United States 3.62

-  an excess of persons leaving the country is net immigration 
          - written as a negative number 
          - Ex. Mexico has -3.1l migrants per 1,000 population
          - It was -3.61 last year  

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Today in class we talked about our new chapter called Population and settlement - people on land. We open our notebooks and put everything away just like we were told and we started taking notes. The first thing we took notes on were "more people then ever". In this slide we learned and took notes on many of things. Examples of what we had to write down would be how many people there are on the planet and how many people are born a year, and a day. 90% of population growth takes place in developing countries. Some developing countries are Africa, South and East Asia, and Latin America. The last thing we talked about was life expectancy. Life expectancy is the number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year. After we wrote all of that down we talked about life expectancies and how they are changing. We looked at some numbers and compared our life expectancy to others. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Today in our human geo class we started off by singing happy birthday to myself. After we started class with talking about our review for our test on Wednesday. Mr. Schick went over the 4 main topics that will be on our test. The four main topics are Message to Garcia, Ancient Greece, Did you know 3.0, and Globalization. For the Message to Garcia we talked about the meaning of a Message to Garcia, who delivered the message, who wrote the message, and what was the war that took place when Message to Garcia was delivered. For Ancient Greece we talked about knowing the vocabulary words and what they meant and what was the most important date was in Ancient Greece. For the Did you know 3.0 video we talked about what was said in the video and how and what it means. Lastly we talked about Globalization, which we talked about how fast food in Japan has effect people's health and life styles.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

 In today’s human geo class we talked about globalization. globalization is the connection of different parts of the world. Globalization is also the expansion of international cultural, economic, and political activities. Globalization has not just been invented it has been around for many of years. China was isolated for a couple of years and was once the only one who could produce silk. That is globalization back then , and this is globalization now. 
Americans have globalized this world by making it one of our on by the buildings,malls, and food. Chinese people have always been know as the people who would live the longest but the fast food is now effecting their health. Now it is effecting a little to much on families, and how they stay together. With there now being fast food places people tend to go get their own dinner there because its fast but they don’t have the family time like they would like to have. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Today in class we talked about how India and China’s population is much higher than ours and that there is more of them then the United States will ever have. We also talked about how back in the day if you had many different jobs people would have thought that you weren’t a good employee and that now it is okay and most people have many jobs before the age of 30. There most likely have that many jobs because people go after the money or they just didn’t like it. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Today in class we watched a video called "Did you know?". This video showed us how big and how fast this world is moving. When i first saw this video I really didn't think about it as much as I should have. Once we started to talk and go over what everything meant it started to click. This changes us to because it tells and lets us be aware what we should except in our future. The technology in this world is very important to everyone. Where would we be with out technology, it means a lot to us in school, jobs, and for our heath and safety. The technology lets me be able to learn and keep up with my school work. I can't wait to see what happens in our future with technology.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ancient Greece

-  Agora - Was a main spot when everyone went to gather. It is also know as an assembly. The agora was a central place for spiritual and political life in the city. The chief marketplace of Athens.

- Arete - excellence of any type to kind 

-  Polis - Ancient Greece city state. It was also know as the nucleus , the central urban area. Perfect place to live 

-  The year 508 BC - Cleisthenes grants full rights to all free men of Athens. Democracy began in Athens, men could vote for what they believed. 

-  Socrates - Was a philosopher who was the teacher to Plato. Socrates said "an oracle of the gods had pronounced him the wisest of all people, because he knew how little he knew" 

- The death of socrates - He was accused by the government that he was denying the gods and causing trouble for his students ( the young ) in his teachings. accepted death from Hemlock.

-  The Socratic method - over 2400 years old , founded on Socrates' belief that lecture was not an effective method of all students. Discussions between people. Also a painting. Some people viewed  

- What the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot - a person who didn't get involved in the democracy, kept to themselves 



Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ancient Greece

-  Agora - Was a main spot when everyone went to gather. It is also know as an assembly. The agora was a central place for spiritual and political life in the city. The chief marketplace of Athens.

- Arete - excellence of any type to kind 

-  Polis - Ancient Greece city state. It was also know as the nucleus , the central urban area. 

-  The year 508 BC - Cleisthenes grants full rights to all free men of Athens 

-  Socrates - Was a philosopher who was the teacher to Plato. Socrates said "an oracle of the gods had pronounced him the wisest of all people, because he knew how little he knew" 

- The death of socrates - He was accused by the government that he was denying the gods and causing trouble for his students ( the young ) in his teachings. accepted death from Hemlock.

-  The Socratic method - over 2400 years old , founded on Socrates' belief that lecture was not an effective method of all students. Discussions between people. 

- What the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot - a person who works in a counterproductive way towards things. 



Wednesday, September 3, 2014

In today's class we talked about various things.  Some of those things were finishing up our blogs, ALS, and Elbert Huber ( A Message to Garcia ) .  We talked and made sure that everyone in the class had there blogs up to date. Then we went on by talking about ALS. Many of us know ALS as being the ice bucket challenge, but we learned about the meaning and what ALS really is. ALS means Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis which is a disease of the nerve in the brain and spinal cord.  By the end of class we started a discussion about Elbert Huber. Elbert Huber was 40 when he wrote A Message to Garcia. A Message to Garcia was written in 1899.  When the Message to Garcia was published it became very big and everyone wanted a copy because they could relate to it. The bottom line of A Message to Garcia was to be a reliable person , and to not be a lazy worker.