Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ancient Greece

-  Agora - Was a main spot when everyone went to gather. It is also know as an assembly. The agora was a central place for spiritual and political life in the city. The chief marketplace of Athens.

- Arete - excellence of any type to kind 

-  Polis - Ancient Greece city state. It was also know as the nucleus , the central urban area. 

-  The year 508 BC - Cleisthenes grants full rights to all free men of Athens 

-  Socrates - Was a philosopher who was the teacher to Plato. Socrates said "an oracle of the gods had pronounced him the wisest of all people, because he knew how little he knew" 

- The death of socrates - He was accused by the government that he was denying the gods and causing trouble for his students ( the young ) in his teachings. accepted death from Hemlock.

-  The Socratic method - over 2400 years old , founded on Socrates' belief that lecture was not an effective method of all students. Discussions between people. 

- What the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot - a person who works in a counterproductive way towards things. 



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